V tednu od 3. do 9. oktobra 2022 je evropski teden ozaveščanja javnosti o disleksiji in drugih specifičnih učnih težavah. Ob tej priložnosti objavljamo povabilo na spletni dogodek Združenih narodov ob dnevu ozaveščanja o disleksiji in drugih SUT:

Objavljamo pa tudi original spremni dopis povabila:

Good afternoon dear friends, 

I enclose the invitation of the Event that we are organizing at the United Nations on the occasion of International Dyslexia Day on October 11, 2022 at 3pm (NY time).

The event can be followed online in English and Spanish and also online. It is essential to confirm attendance on the web: https://un.disfam.org

I encourage you to join the “United for Dyslexia” campaign and if any of you want this year’s personalized poster, don’t hesitate to tell me.

Thank you very much and I send you a cordial greeting. 

Iñaki MuñozPresidente de Disfam y OIDEA

www.disfam.org | www.oidea.org

(Skupno 143 obiskov, današnjih obiskov: 1)